The Cure for Rejection Letters

Rejection sucks.


Whether it’s in the dating world or the writing world, the word “no” carries a particular sting. Every writer is familiar with the phrase, “We regret to inform you…”

That’s the point when you stop reading, add it to your pile of letters, and get back to work.

But there’s a secret to reducing the frequency of rejection letters, and it isn’t to include a couple of Benjamins with the submission. It’s simple.

As Stephen King says, “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

Read more. Grab a copy of Cosmo, a volume of Hemingway’s work, and a Bible. Read everything you can get your hand on, even if it is something you wouldn’t normally pick up.

Read everything, even if it challenges you.

Especially if it challenges you.

You should, naturally, read widely in your chosen genre. You should also read widely outside of it. Learn from different authors, listen to different cadences. Read dime store romances and Ulysses. 

If you continue to read and continue to write, a day will come when the letter is one of acceptance instead of rejection.

And on that day, you take all your previous letters, burn them, and start a new pile.

How do you handle rejections? Leave a comment below and let us know. 

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