My 10 Favorite Quotes on Writing

Writing as a craft has existed from the first moments man discovered how to scratch symbols into wood and stone. Since that time we have sought to master it and tighten our grasp on the Muse, only to find she is far more slippery than anticipated. As with any skill, a person […]

Why You Must Persevere

Hemingway is famed for saying, “Writing is easy. You just sit at a typewriter and bleed.” But what if that isn’t enough? What if a publisher rejects a manuscript stained with eight pints of your blood? Do you drop to the ground, white as a sheet, and die? No. You […]

Fighting Discipline

How often do you think to yourself, “I’ll just watch one more episode…” And then it’s 3 AM, you’re sweating butter, and the credits to season seven of CSI are rolling? For most of us, it probably happens far more often than we would like. Procrastination is a major problem in […]

How to Write a Novel

A year ago, I had never written a novel. Oh, sure, I’d thought about it. I’d dreamed of it countless times. After all, isn’t that the goal of most writers? To pen a work of such length and magnitude that it leaves readers speechless? But for whatever reason, my hard drive is […]

Relishing the Difficulty

Blogs, despite their relative age in the internet world, have not been on my radar for long. I only discovered them about four years ago. One of the first I stumbled across was Jeff Goins, a man I had the pleasure of meeting at a conference several years ago. One […]

On Being Lost and Looking Forward

I’ve thought for a long time about what would be a fitting first post for this blog. I wanted to make it something worthwhile, something meaningful. After all, this blog is not meant to be simply a demonstration of my ability to write, but a way for my readers — […]

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