What is “Cyberpunk?”

Trying to classify all of the various genres of science fiction would be akin to naming the genres of electronic music: nearly impossible. After the birth of science fiction (arguably with Voltaire’s Micromegas in 1752), the distinctions became harder and harder to define.

The 1980s saw the birth of one particular subgenre that combined cybernetic technology and the ever-popular punk movement. The setting is often in the near future, in an age where corporations have more power than governments and the world is settling into a dystopian-style atmosphere.

Sound familiar?

Cyberpunk particularly utilizes the Internet and artificial intelligence within its stories. Themes of slavery, oppression, and class differences are common between not people, but robots and artificial intelligence.

What would happen in our world if computers achieved sentience? Would we welcome them and grant them rights, or would we immediately endeavor to shut them down?

I’ll let you decide the answer.

If you’ve seen any film noir, then you already have a grasp of some of the aspects of cyberpunk. Other common elements include nihilism and post-modernism.

Notable Examples of Cyberpunk in Popular Culture

Ever seen Blade Runner, the fantastic film with Harrison Ford? Cyberpunk.

Ever read Neuromancer by William Gibson? Cyberpunk.

Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson? You guessed it: cyberpunk.

Maybe you’re wondering why I made this post out of nowhere?

The fact is, I’m writing a cyberpunk novel. I started it just over a week ago, and I hope to see it completed within a couple of months.


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